Saturday, October 29, 2011

In love with a heartbroken girl

She wishes some day he'll cry for her like she cried for him, some day he'll miss her like she missed him, needed her like she needed him and some day he'll love her but she won't. She now believes that love can make you happy but often it hurts, and that love is special only when you give it to some one worth it.                                   

The day I saw her, the day I fell in love with her, and the day I talked with her, she explored her broken heart with tears rolling down her cheeks. I had never fallen in love so far but just now I am sharing the soreness of her broken heart. A single word from her broken heart has power to have me tearing up.  

When the sun rays pierce her room, she looks out her window and starts dreaming about the moment when she was with him in some blossom, where he held her hand and said, ''would you be my angle? Would you be my rose? I love you so much.'' And then tears roll down her cheeks again.

She still remembers the time when she was with him in a beautiful moonlit night. Walking through the woods and sharing words from their heart. The late night when whole world is sleeping, she stares at the stars, wondering if he is thinking of her.

But the day he left her for someone else haunts her all the time.

And now I am in love with her. That is why a little sorrow in her heart is a pain to my heart. But I will try and comfort you. I will smile and make you happy.

Let me say some few words to my dear. For some, love last for a life time, but for many not knowing when to let go can hold forever. So forget the time when he walked with you, forget the time when he made you cry, forget the time when he held your hand and just remember that I am here to console you when you are in a great sorrow.

In such a situation I believe God put me here for you to love. He picked me out among the rest because he knew I would love you the best. Now I don't want to lose this feeling. If I could choose a place to die, it would be in your arms.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Of Hell and Heaven

Photo Courtesy: Internet
My Dzongkha teachers often use to recite a narrative of a hell and heaven while I am just in preprimary. They endeavor to make us obvious that the hell and heaven are the realm of punishment and reward afterlife corresponding to our deeds that we commit when we are alive. But I still remember at that instance - I just thought: “why he is not showing hell and heaven to us while he has shown the trees and flowers,” “why he is not taking us for a field trip to these places while he has taken us to the riverside to see watercourse.” Of course these are the conception of a child, but still I suppose that it is brilliant if we can perceive hell and heaven so as to believe further.

It was on the late afternoon of 12th of September 2009, while I am witnessing a variety show of Dhug House in the open courtyard of Paro College of Education. Their Dzongkha skit is all about suffering and enjoyment in hell and heaven. At that moment, I just imagined that, it is the enhanced means to reveal hell and heaven to the childlike inhabitants like me if not feasible in authentic. So that we can trim down our evil deeds and amplify our virtue sooner than too delayed.

In the opening scene, Nado and Kado illustrated the sort of action that we inhabitants perform in this humanity. From that, it is well apparent that our human deeds, evil or virtue are all just to accomplish our boundless desire and only a few desires to escape from this cycle of death and rebirth and to attain the real El dorado. We humans create sins for whatsoever we act devoid of any hesitation for we don’t in actual fact discern what hell and heaven are.

The attention-grabbing piece of the skit but rather implausible is that even afterlife Nado is using his mobile phone in the hell. My mind's eyes are far away from this world then - just envisaging, “how it would be if there is a mobile phone tower in the hell and heaven too.” I will dial my late grandmother’s number and will inquire where she is, either in hell or in heaven and I’ll furthermore inquire how hell and heaven looks like. But these are all hot air thoughts. Nado by mobile phone in the hell has wonderfully created alertness about the misery in the hell to the hundreds of spectators. He phoned from hell to his preeminent friend Kado on the earth with account of the torment in the hell. He as well warned Kado not to commit sin as far as doable.

Leaning persistently on the veranda’s pillar, I also dreamed about myriad of benefit of having mobile phone tower installed at hell and heaven as well. Our associates and relatives in the hell will share on the grief and sorrow in hell and discourage us from performing evil deeds, while folks in heaven will share the jollity and cheerfulness that they take pleasure there and thus cheer us to amplify our virtue. In the skit in converse, have been not phoned by Nado from hell, it is sure for Kado to bond Nado in hell afterlife. But Kado out of trepidation left all sort of evil deeds and prearranged the way to heaven. Later towards the end, the converse between Nado at hell and Kado at heaven fabricated every blameless audience comprehensible about hell and heaven.

At this time I have learnt that knowing where the hell or heaven is not or less important but knowing the consequence of our deeds, either evil or virtue is more important.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who Owns Yak?

Soon after enforcing the Cow Slaughter Ban Bill in India, the paa brand in Bhutanese dish has shifted to pricey yak Sha (meat). The meat shops never run in shortage of stock. It is now Bhutanese who slaughter the yaks to substitute the beef stuffs.

Yak is one of the endangered mountain animals, and soon it will fade away like Dragon and Dinosaurs. Slaughtering a yak doesn’t only matters the sin, but will have greater impact on ecology. Slaughtering a cow cannot be weighed against slaughtering a yak. I am neither ecologist nor a great Buddhist preacher to talk on sins and system. But, I am just sharing my random thoughts as always.  

His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, “Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one want happiness and fears pain, just as one want to live and not to die, so do other creatures.” Likewise, the Buddha said, “Life is dear to all beings. They have the right to live the same as we do”. No killing (a respect for life) is the foremost of the five percepts that had been passed down from Buddha himself.

Deliberately hurting or killing another creature is totally against Buddhist percepts. Buddhist feel mercy on animals in the border towns of India, which are subjected to slaughter for their flesh. But, the irony in it is that, more than 80 percent of is exported to Bhutan – the Buddhist country, and it is consumed by the people of Bhutan. Yaks are continued to slaughter by the Bhutanese nomads.

There should be no discrimination among animals – they are the same. For an instance, if we keep an exquisite cat as our pet animal, a cat will for sure kill a countless rats in his life span. We never feel sympathy on rats. As we love our pet we also have to love the rat. Animals are very much same to us. They have feelings; they have same mind as we have; and they also want happiness, like we do.

George Orwell, in his famous book, Animal Farm writes, “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals”. It is thus, questionable to expect our prayer for mercy to be heard by our Gods above us, when we show no mercy to what is under us.

We often believe that there won’t be sin for eating meat, as long as we don’t kill animal by ourselves. But, if there is no meat eater, there will be no animal killer as well.

The sin of slaughtering animal is immeasurable. However, since the very beginning of Buddhism over 2500 years ago, Buddhist monks and nuns have to depend on almsfood including meat. To clarify the position of meat eating to the monks, the Buddha said: “Monks, I allow you fish and meat that are quite pure in three respect: if they are not seen, heard or suspected to have been killed on purpose for a monk. But you should not knowingly make use of meat killed on purpose for you.”

As the country of sublime religion – Buddhist is flourished, saving life is happening everywhere. Yaks are saved in the north, and goats and fishes were saved in the south.

The benefit of saving life is immeasurable. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has spoken of saving lives many times, especially in his autobiography, “Freedom in Exile”. In it he tells the story of how he would spend all monastery’s money as a young boy purchasing sheep that were about to be slaughtered for meat. At the end of the story he recounts that later in his life he saw in his meditation that this practice actually increased his life and will be a cause for him to live a long.

We are Buddhist and we need follow Buddhism. As a Buddhist follower, we have to refrain from slaughtering animals, minimize the consumption of meat, and practice saving lives. Likewise, as we are conscious about environment, we should also think over slaughtering of yaks which is becoming rampant in the northern part of the country.     

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A grassroots look at the Shingkhar golf course

Photo: Internet

As one born in the sanctified valley of Ura, Shingkhar is just like my other village. Every time I’m on a break, I find time to visit the beautiful valleys, mountains, rocks and streams of Shingkhar. 

However, the distinctive living style and beautiful scenery of this little Switzerland is changing swiftly. I am really confused with the topical dialogues of ‘Golf course at Shingkhar’ and ‘Shingkhar-Gorgan road’. I am really in a dilemma. However, as a concerned Urap, many questions arise in my mind. 

The proposed golf course at Shingkhar had aroused all the bigheads of Ura to come together. The most universal basis for rejecting the inventive proposal is because the people in the vicinity of the proposed area seem to be very much fretful about the green politics. And I am no exception. 

They are worried about their pastureland, agriculture fields, and even suspicion on the assured advantages, mostly on job opportunity and business scope. But, is this concern much from the village people, who will be directly affected? Are these the assumed qualms of some native academic? Or has the view of bigheads lured the innocent village people? 

Most of the residents of Shingkhar, irrespective of qualification, have agreed that there will be vast adverse affect on environment and bionetwork. I too agree that. But my question is: are Shigkharpas really conscious about nature? Why does nobody object to the Shingkhar-Gorgan road that will run through the core of Thrumshingla national park? 

To worry about their pastureland unquestionably confirms their love and care for their cultural heritage. They don’t want the paradise of their yaks to be blemished for modern innovation. But, how many Shingkarpas own yaks today? For how long do their yaks graze on the landin-question? Are Shingkhar youth willing to preserve yak herding culture evermore? 

Undeniably, such innovation will take away much of the Shingkharpas’ agriculture fields, which have been inherited from many generations. As far as I know, agriculture is the backbone of their source of income. But, what best crops grow on the flat terrain of Shingkhar? Does agriculture alone can keep Shingkharpa’s store full? Or is it time to look for some alternatives?

Monday, October 10, 2011

To the Bride & Groom

As the nation celebrates one of the most momentous and moving occasion – The Royal Wedding, I would like to offer my humble prayers and wishing through the wind of purity. This is an auspicious occasion that will never come again in our life-time. The ecstasy of such era is immeasurable in my mind, but will be painful to see it become memory soon. Yet, it will be the everlasting memory of joy and happiness that will remain imprinted in the mind of all Bhutanese people.
Thanks to the Goddess of love, desire and beauty for blessing Bhutan with compassionate and beautiful Queen. This is the occasion, when all the gods and goddesses are watching this beautiful episode ceremonial happening on this living paradise. May gods and goddesses bless our King and Queen with boundless of love and affection. On this ceremony, may Lhamo Yangchenma, the Goddess Swaraswati, play the finest tone of your music for our King and Queen.      
Every glimpse (portrait and clips) of royal couple proves of true love and affection. Undeniably, this is the paradigm of how His Majesty dreams of Bhutanese couples should be. He always insists on love, care, and affection among family, friends, and among Bhutanese people in general. The match is truly made in heaven. May our King and Queen bless with everlasting happiness and joy.
Our gratitude goes to the Nagas for bestowing Bhutan with happiness and prosperity. This is the occasion when all the Nagas come to life to witness the moving festivity happening in the land of happiness. May Nagas bestow our King and Queen with prosperity and population that will ensure the sequence of royals in Bhutan.
The way His Majesty looks upon the welfare of the people during the times of joy and sorrow is barely credible. He never hesitates to experience the pain to reach all the nooks of the country to learn the situation of humble folks. Deep in his mind, he always desires every Bhutanese people to be happy. Now, with the nuptials of the noble souls, we aspire for brighter sun of happiness in Bhutan.
Our humble homage to our protecting deity, Pelden Lhamo for shielding Bhutan from all the disasters and wars. This is the event when she is pleased by looking at her people enjoying the nectar of happiness. May all the deities of Bhutan protect our King and Queen – the source of people’s happiness in Bhutan. May our King and Queen bless with health and breathe.            
I am deeply swollen with pride to be a Bhutanese citizen. We have always loved our Kings from our heart. This is the time when every Bhutanese gather together like one family to rejoice the long-awaited occasion – The Royal Wedding. Our prayers are countless, and our wishes are boundless. Today, I would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations! I humbly wish my King and Queen with all the happiness of this world. I pray for undying love and happiness in life. With this union, may the waves of happiness shine in the land of GNH.
His Majesty always concerns and support for Education in Bhutan. He always thanks Education System for the country’s amazing journey of modernization over the last few decades. As a King, His Majesty’s passion is always to nurture our youth day after day, year after year. He believes that it is their skills, labour and commitment that will count at the end for nation building. But to fulfill all these selfish dreams, he puts teachers at the top.
Thus, on this auspicious occasion, I would like to commit myself as a dedicated teacher in the Bhutanese Education system. With my deep respect for our sublime religion and benevolent kings, I don’t find better way of serving the country than becoming a teacher. Apart from taking up one of the noblest professions anywhere in the world, I will be able to help ease the teacher shortage in our country.
The occasion is a blessing for all Bhutanese, and we pray for everlasting peace and prosperity in our country and may the flowers of Education blossom forever.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tang and Khegaratoe

S. Phuntsho: Tang geog is located in the eastern part of Bumthang Dzongkhag. Like in any other places, the folks in Tang too have lots of folk legends about their village to be shared. Most of the legends are widespread by now, for Ashi Kuenzang Choden (Author) has revealed in most of her books. The name of the geog (Tang) itself has significance.

A long time ago, there lived a king and a queen somewhere in central part of Tibet. The date and time are not recorded. The queen was a woman of lust and most of the time she was left displeased with sex. So, to quench her stern thrust the queen often uses her darling animals like goat and dogs to have sexual intercourse.
One day, the long wish dream of the royal couple was rewarded – the queen got pregnant. The king was very much pleased to know that his queen was pregnant. 

But, like the bolt from blue, she gave birth to one amorphous child – a body of half goat and half dog. The astrologer named him as Khegaratoe, and warned it as an inauspicious sign to the kingdom. The king was astonished and left with no words to say. Undeniably, the queen knew the causes of the hard luck but left soundless. Yet, the couple nourished their amorphous child without any favoritism.  

Poor king, in his mind always thought of a plan to exile Khegaratoe to faraway places for he don’t wanted to disgrace himself before his people. Most importantly, he doesn’t want to bring ill luck in his kingdom. But his plans went unsuccessful constantly.

Fortuitously, the king heard about Guru Rinpoche, the “Second Buddha”, who brought Tantric Buddhism to Tibet. He has heard that Guru Rinpoche has supremacy to subdue any kind of demons and demoness. So, without much delay the king made an appointment with Guru Rinpoche, and there the king explained his problem. Guru, in his forecast found that the kingdom is really in distress. So he agreed the king to help him exile Khegaratoe

Guru Rinpoche built an attractive bird out of timber and invited Khegaratoe for a fly. Juvenile Khegaratoe out of excitement at once accepted the invitation. Guru, with his supernatural power made the wooden bird fly like any other birds. Khega flew for a long time when he finally reached to the eastern part of Bumthang. Meanwhile, Guru chanted his mantra to let the wooden bird explode. In a little while, the wooden bird exploded making a thunderous sound ‘Tang’.

The place where the wooden bird exploited was then named as Tang. It is also said that the idea of creation of an airplane is got from that wooden bird.

Khega felt down on the open field but unhurt owing to the control of Guru Rinpoche. He was left with nowhere to set off. So he built a tiny shed and inhabited there.

The linage and the residence of Khegaratoe are still seen in Kidzom village of Tang Geog.

 Acknowledgements: Tashi Chophel for narrating the Story